Hugo Nazareth Fernandes

Assistant Coordinator (International)
Academic Researcher and Architectural Investigator
Born April 8, 1972, in Paris (FR) Doctoral Degree in Urbanism – Lusófona University of Lisbon, 2010 Master's Degree in Theory of Architecture – Lusíada University of Lisbon, 2003 Architecture Licence Degree - Lusíada University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 1996 2nd PRIZE ICAR CORA-2011 given by the International Council for Architectural Research - ICAR-CORA PRIZE 2011 for Best Doctoral Thesis Integrated member of CIAUD - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design - Lisbon School of Architecture/University of Lisbon Since 2017 – Assistant Professor at the Departement of Architecture and Urbanism - Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa (PT): Courses of Doctoral Degree in Architecture, Master's Degree in Architecture; Post-graduation in Urbanism Areas of Architectural Design, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Urban Ecology, Drawing, History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism. Organization of conferences, workshops, and charrettes. Jury member of evaluation reports Jury member and thesis tutor 2015-2018 – Guest Professor at EAC - École d'Architecture de Casablanca (MA). Course of Master's Degree in Architecture Areas of Urban Design (Métropoles Méditerranéennes); History and Theory of Architecture; History and Theory of Urbanism Organization of conferences and seminars Jury member and thesis tutor 2015-2017 – Associate Professor at ISMAT – Portimão (PT) 1999-2015 – Assistant Professor - Master's Degree Course in Architecture at ISMAT – Portimão (PT) 2004-2007 – Assistant Professor - Master's Degree Course in Architecture at Moderna University of Setúbal (PT) Main fields of interest: Architectural Project, Urban and Territorial Planning, Urban Design, History and Theory of Architecture, History and Theory of Urbanism, Urban Ecology, Drawing, Geometry, Architectural Tracing and Composition Jury member of evaluation reports and international peer reviewer. Publication of scientific articles, books, and book chapters. 1999-2009 - worked as a freelance architect in several architectural studios and urban planning offices Founder and main coordinator at HNF Arquitectos Associados since 2013.
Complete CV