Diogo Mateus
Senior Researcher
Director of the Master in Urbanism in Lusófona University – Lisbon University Center
Diogo Mateus holds a Licentiate, Master's and PhD in Urbanism from Lusófona University. He is a researcher at the CIAUD - Research Centre of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. He has been part of nationally and internationally funded research projects such as LUDA (5th FP), Technolangue (Intereg III-MEDOC/MEDA), CyberParks (COST Action), C3Places (H2020 JPI Urban Europe). He is a founding member of the Professional Association of Portuguese Urbanists (APROURB) and, since 2018, a founding member of the Portuguese Association of Urbansites (APU), having participated in the creation process (merger between AUP/APPLA AND APROURB) and served on the first board. Her main areas of activity are applied urban planning, urban regeneration, urban assessment and quality, territorial policies, public space and participation and co-creation. He also carries out research in the field of higher education, particularly in the area of methodologies and pedagogical innovation. He is an Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa, where he teaches, in the area of urbanism, on the master's and doctorate courses in urbanism, a degree in security studies and an integrated master's in architecture. He teaches in the area of urbanism at the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute, Portimão, on the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture. He is director of the Master's and PhD programmes in Urbanism. He is the Student Ombudsman at Lusófona University.
Complete CV