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universidade lusófona

Carlos Smaniotto Costa

Senior Researcher
Academic Researcher and Urbanism Investigator

Carlos Smaniotto Costa (PhD) is a Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner, graduated at the University of Hanover, Germany. He is a professor of Urban Ecology and Landscape Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon (Portugal), and an integrated member of the CIAUD Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design of the Lisbon University. Smaniotto coordinates national and international founded research and practice-oriented projects. He has vast experience in planning in Germany, Italy and Brazil, in the fields of design of urban environment, open space planning and urban development projects. His research activities deal with issues of sustainable urban development, strategies for the integration of open spaces and nature conservation in the urban context, research methods and participatory processes along urban and landscape design and urban sociology - the relationship between built and social life in cities. Smaniotto is the coordinator of the Ibero-American Network Cyted RUN (Re)naturalised Urban Rivers, and was coordinator of the H2020 Project C3Places (, and the chair of the COST Action TU 1306 Cyberparks ( - projects dealing with the opportunities offered by digital technologies for creating more sustainable urban places. Smaniotto edited seven international books and has several publications in professional journals in Portuguese, English, German and Italian.

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